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(1956-1959 Recordings) The McDevitt group was undoubtedly the most professional of...
Model: RCCD 3007
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Another release in our ‘Special’ series that is primarily intended for sale at Chas...
Model: RCCD 6004
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Pete Chester (of Chesternuts fame) brought us this CD from a fine Folkestone band, The...
Model: RCCD 6001
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A collection of new and old songs with acoustic versions of previously released...
Model: RCCD 6032
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A bit of a change for Willie, the rock guitar and blues artists, this. Softer and more...
Model: RCCD 6038
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A fine compilation of Willie's best work with some new recordings too. Released to...
Model: RCCD 6023
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Willie sings! Ace guitarist Willie Logan excercises his vocal chords on this release,...
Model: RCCD 6014
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Willie is respected among guitar slickers and pickers and has recorded (often...
Model: RCCD 6009
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A really solid rockin' blues album from the star guitarman Willie Logan. This time...
Model: RCCD 6015
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